How to get a job? 12 tips to find a good job

How to get a job? 12 tips to find a good job

    Do you know how to find work? Discover the best tips to get a good job and some ideas to generate income.

Are you looking for a job? Have you sent hundreds of resumes and have not been able to get a job? We know, looking for a new job can often be exhausting.

Well, we're sorry to have to tell you this, but the truth is, you're trying to get a job the wrong way.

We know that seeking employment reintegration can be frustrating, especially for those who have been unemployed for a long time. But the truth is that most people do not look for a new job in the right way and end up trying everything.

Professionals who want to re-enter the labor market must worry about the details and think strategically. After all, everything, from the preparation of the curriculum to its dissemination, interferes with the possibilities of obtaining the long-awaited vacancy.

If you are unemployed or wanting to change careers, but have not been successful, you are in the right place. We separate some tips on how to find work in the best way, as well as some ways to earn money.

Keep reading!

12 tips to get a good job

How do you look for work? Do you send copies of your resume to all the places that appear? Do you register on all employment platforms? Do you ask your friends and family for help?

Believe me: the lack of focus and a well-defined strategy can be harming you.

Those who want a new job must set well-defined objectives , trust and know how to communicate their experiences and potential in the best possible way.

Here are 12 tips to help you find a job. Do not go!

1. Define a clear goal

The first thing you should do to get a job is to have goals and focus on them.

We know that for many people the fact of not having a job can be exasperating and cause stress, but it is necessary to remain calm.

Instead of starting to apply to hundreds of offers, be very clear about your goal.

And how to do it? 

It's very simple: think of a job that you want, that is related to your academic profile or that requires skills that you master very well.

With this in mind, you can begin your job search and make a list of companies you would like to work for. To contact them, use social networks or Internet portals and request the available opportunities.

Applying for job offers that are related to your profile will greatly facilitate your search.

2. Network

Meeting people is a great way to find work, but that doesn't mean you should hand out your business cards uncontrollably.

You have to focus on the people with whom you can build a relationship. Think about who you can help and they can also have an opportunity for you.

Networking is exchanging knowledge, helping each other and making collaborations, not just delivering a card or making friends on social networks.

Be interested in meeting people in your area and who, in the future, can recommend you at the company they work for, for example. 

Who least expected could give you the opportunity of your life!

3. Use social media

Social networks are also very useful to get a job.

Every day, hundreds of recruiters go online to find professionals and fill their vacancies. For this reason, it is important that you create a profile on social networks, mainly on LinkedIn , which specializes in the professional environment.

Be sure to put a profile image where you show professionalism, highlight your main skills, as well as show your level of training and previous experience.

4. Use websites to search for jobs

On the Internet, there are hundreds of pages that you can use to find work and discover vacancies related to your professional profile, location and even the positions you would like to occupy. 

Infoempleo and Infojobs are some of the existing options.

5. Make a good resume

A good resume is your best cover letter when it comes to getting a good job.

Many times, some professionals have all the skills to fill certain vacancies, but they do not succeed because of a poorly prepared resume.

Your resume needs to be able to show the company that you are everything they need. So highlight your strengths so that when recruiters read it, they think you're the person they were looking for .


  • Include only the data that is really relevant.
  • Select the most important information and highlight them.
  • Do not forget to put your contact information, such as email and phone.
  • Worry about the formatting of your resume and leave it organized.
  • Do a grammar and spelling check. 

If you want other tips on how to write a good resume, don't miss our complete step by step .

6. Always perfect your knowledge

Trying to get a job does not mean that you have to put aside your professional training. Quite the opposite!

It is important that you take advantage of your availability to prepare yourself and obtain more knowledge that will help you stand out in the labor market.

Do training or courses , face-to-face or online, to keep your knowledge updated. 

You can also sign up for events that allow you to learn much more and give you the opportunity to meet new people and do quality networking.

7. Do volunteer work

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, get active, and find a good job. They say that opportunities exist, but we must go out and look for them.

If you still don't know how to get a job , get out of your comfort zone and join this type of initiative!

In addition to being a very rewarding activity, many recruiters value candidates who have volunteer work experience.

8. Develop your personal brand

Building your personal brand is a trend that gives you great value as a professional.

When you develop your personal brand, you manage to position yourself as a reference in a market niche and you have the opportunity to send a unique message and differentiate yourself from the rest of the candidates.

You will see that, being considered a specialist in your area of ​​activity , the path to getting the ideal job will be much easier for you.

9. Prepare well for interviews

A job interview is your best chance to convince an employer to hire you. Therefore, it is important that you prepare very well and avoid improvising too much.

To start, we will give you some tips that could help you:

How to dress:

  • Take some time to do some research on the company culture and dress code. With this information, you will know how formal or informal you should go to the meeting. 
  • Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in and that convey your personality. 

Things not to say:

Some comments could ruin your job interview. So avoid them at all costs.

  • Avoid making negative comments about other people or companies. That is, do not be disloyal and do not criticize your colleagues. 
  • Do not tell lies. We know you probably want to impress your interviewer, but that doesn't mean you have to lie. He acts with sincerity, we assure you that he will be very well received. 
  • Avoid self-centeredness.
  • "I do not have any question". Saying you have no questions shows disinterest. Take advantage of your interview to clarify your doubts. 
  • Do not ask about your salary and your vacations in the first interview , you can give the impression that you are sure that they will hire you. 

Some tricks to stand out:

  • Do some research about the company before you go in for your interview. 
  • Value yourself and learn to promote yourself: highlight your strengths, knowledge and skills. 
  • Stay positive, smile and show enthusiasm for being part of the company. 
  • Watch your verbal and body language: avoid making sudden or nervous movements. 

10. Create conditions to work at Home Office

The Home Office or telecommuting is a form of employment that consists of working remotely, that is, without having to go to the company where you perform your duties.

It has many advantages, such as allowing you to save time and money on transportation or giving you the possibility to work from where and how you want, for example, at home, a coworking space, a library, with a sea view, etc.

But, if you do not create the conditions to do so, it can bring you some inconveniences. If you are not able to focus and have a routine without being in the presence of your colleagues, you can end up procrastinating and delaying your deliveries. Or, if you don't have the right equipment and furniture, you can harm your health.

Home office work is being increasingly adopted in the world. Therefore, having the ability to work in this way will, without a doubt, be a very positive point in your favor when launching yourself to find a job. 

11. Trust yourself!

There is nothing more attractive to recruiters than a professional who is confident in himself and his abilities. 

Therefore, another very valuable tip to get a job is to strengthen your confidence . To achieve this, you can rely on blogs, books, YouTube videos or motivational talks.

If you feel that confidence is your weak point, you can also hire a coach to guide and advise you in a personalized way.

12. Be patient and don't get discouraged

We know that being unemployed is terrible. But, try to be patient, overcome your limiting beliefs and keep in mind that it may take some time before you can find a job.

Although the search is exhausting, keep a positive thought and do not throw in the towel. Follow all the previous tips and always prepare yourself for the selection processes.

Other opportunities for job seekers

If you are here and want to know how to get a job, you may have been looking for a job for some time now, without success. So, so you don't sit around doing nothing, we've selected some opportunities to help you generate income from your own home .

And if you are not the type of person who is willing to stick to office hours or have a boss to report to, this is for you!


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